The Resources page hosts an array of useful information for consumers and installers, non-members and members alike. Only members are able to contribute to consultation responses, for more information about how to join, please visit the membership page.
566.34 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS Phasing out fossil fuel heating in off-grid homes consultation
81.33 Kb
HHIC response to the Scottish Government Proposed changes to Energy Standards and associated topics consultation
29.46 Kb
HHIC response to the Scottish Government cladding building standards consultation
376.31 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS ECO4 consultation
278.98 Kb
Utility Networks response to the RIIO-2 Draft Determinations consultation
574.47 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS Future Support for Low Carbon Heat consultation
169.45 Kb
UN response to the BEIS Smart Meter Policy Framework consultation
144.11 Kb
HHIC response to the ECO3 - Improving consumer protection consultation
135.36 Kb
HHIC response to proposals for reform of building safety regulations
210.60 Kb
HHIC response to The future for small-scale low-carbon generation consultation
261.21 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS Clean Growth - Transforming Heating document
199.58 Kb
Utility Networks response to 'Encouraging innovation in regulated utilities'
217.15 Kb
Changes to the reduced rate of VAT for Energy Saving Materials consultation: HHIC response
229.90 Kb
Stage 2 consultation on 'MCS equivalence' for the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme
117.99 Kb
Review of support for Anaerobic Digestion and micro-Combined Heat and Power under the Feed-in Tariffs scheme
62.03 Kb
HHIC response to Each Home Counts Quality Mark Framework Consultation Process
877.42 Kb
HHIC response to ‘A future framework for heat in buildings: call for evidence’
132.08 Kb
EUA response to the Proposals regarding setting standards for smart appliances consultation
331.14 Kb
RIIO-2 Framework Consultation
256.59 Kb
HHIC response to Energy Company Obligation: ECO3, 2018 to 2022
269.34 Kb
HHIC response to Domestic Private Rented Sector Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency Consultation
346.87 Kb
HHIC response to proposed changes to government’s standard assessment procedure (SAP)
283.66 Kb
EUA response to the Ofgem open letter on the RIIO-2 Framework
346.00 Kb
Heat in Buildings, The Future of Heat: Domestic Buildings
178.93 Kb
EUA Response to the DCC Consultation on a revised approach to the delivery of DCC Release 1.3
508.56 Kb
ECO: Help to Heat
302.77 Kb
HHIC response to the Consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariffs scheme
219.48 Kb
HHIC response to the energy revolution enquiry
157.79 Kb
EUA response to the Consultation on ensuring regulation encourages innovation