Now is not the time to cast aside grid expertise

16th May 2019


Responding to the Labour’s proposal for publicly owned energy networks entitled ‘bringing energy home’, the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) warns that with ‘significant changes ahead’ for the Gas Distribution Networks, ‘now is not the time to cast aside the experts who deliver gas into 85% of UK homes.’

Instead, Government must work alongside the networks to enable a smooth, consumer-focused transition to low carbon gas.

Isaac Occhipinti, Head of External Affairs, the Energy and Utilities Alliance, said:

“The ‘Bringing Energy Home’ report acknowledges that the ’energy networks are infrastructure of national strategic importance’ and in addition ‘The UK’s gas networks will undergo significant changes as part of the decarbonisation process. For example, significant investment will be required for the storage and transport of hydrogen and other low carbon gases.”

“Given the size of the challenge that lays ahead, the focus must solely be on how we deliver a decarbonised gas network; utilising the extensive and world-leading knowledge and expertise within the industry. There are already mechanisms in place for improving the network and its delivery, through RIIO and Ofgem.”

“Adding additional burden to the network such as a transfer of ownership and governance is a distraction that jeopardises decarbonisation and the UK’s ability to deliver on its carbon targets.”

 “EUA and its network members have already started working on gas networks innovation trials such as Hynet, H21, and the Freedom Project. The industry is poised to deliver. Stability and Government commitment is crucial to an affordable, secure, low carbon future.”