New platform for industrial and commercial heating industry

21st Sep 2021


As part of their commitment to supporting and promoting the interests of the industrial and commercial heating equipment industry, ICOM has launched a new digital platform that will act as the central hub for communicating and achieving their key aims.

Steve McConnell, ICOM’s Director, said: 

“ICOM - a not-for-profit trade association- has been representing and promoting the interests of the non-domestic heating sector since 1933. However, our presence and activity must reflect that of the current day.” 

“We needed a revamped dedicated website to enable us to deliver on our key aim; to be recognised as the organisation that helps shape policy and positioning of the industry. The new ICOM website will provide a hub for members to access news and documents. As well as, providing information on standards and regulations for all aspects of the industrial and commercial heating sector.” 

“ICOM has a very strong voice within the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as well as the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE, the British Standards Institute, BSI, the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, IGEM, the European Heating Industry, and others. Our new site will make communicating with our members and the wider industry easier.” 

“Membership of ICOM is open to any company that markets products or services to the industrial and commercial heating sector and we would be pleased to discuss the benefits of membership related to specific product areas. Our aim is to work with every business involved in the manufacturing and supply chain of industrial and commercial heating equipment.” 

You can view our new website