Network Asset Performance Conference | 25 September 2019 | Birmingham

3rd Jun 2019


As we move into a world of smarter networks, electric vehicles and decarbonisation of transport our understanding of the condition of our assets is crucial.

The 2019 Network Asset Performance Conference will bring together leaders from gas & power to help tackle the challenges that come from this transitionary phase head on and ensure that UK networks are getting the best out of their assets.  Expert speakers include:   

  • John Duckworth, Director of network strategy, Cadent
  • Richard Hartshorn,Electric vehicle readiness manager, SSE
  • Annabel West, Head of engineering policy, SGN
  • Chris Fox, Operations & distribution system manager, Electricity North West  
  • Bethan Winter, System operations manager, Wales & West Utilities
  • Neill Guha, Senior manager and cost analysis, Ofgem

15% Discount for EUA members

Join 100+ asset professionals from the UK’s largest networks to:

  • Address the challenges and opportunities surrounding the optimisation of data
  • Hear from Ofgem on the impact of RIIO2 on asset management
  • Discover the latest and most effective methods of improving asset resilience
  • Find out how to meet increased demand caused by EVs without compromising on performance

As a supporter, we can offer our members a preferential rate to attend – to view full details and book, visit and quote promo code EUA15 to get 15% off your place.