Future Gas report is a wake up call to government- The scale of heat decarbonisation should not be underestimated

15th Oct 2019


The Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) are delighted to have been involved in the Future Gas Series studies. The latest report; Part 3 ‘Uncomfortable Home Truths: why Britain urgently needs a low carbon heat strategy' examines issues related to consumers and the development of appliances.

Mike Foster, CEO, EUA said; 

“Consumers must be front and centre of future heat strategy and the industry must consider what the consumer really wants, and if it can be delivered.” 

“The key findings of the report reaffirm that we need to act now, we must support households and provide attractive and affordable low carbon heating whilst protecting those in fuel poverty. To do this we need to utilise the wealth of knowledge across the industry and deploy a driving force of governance to manage and deliver affordable, secure and low carbon heat." 

“EUA believe that the only sensible, cost effective and deliverable solution to decarbonising the hard to tackle heat sector is by using green gases such as hydrogen. The technology is being tested that can deliver the carbon reductions needed, while keeping people warm in their homes, in an affordable way. It is the optimum solution. The energy trilemma, a phrase that rightly suggests the difficulty in balancing the competing demands of affordability, reliability, and sustainability, should be set against the UK’s particular needs and utilising the existing gas network, but with low carbon gas does this." 

The recommendations and findings of this report will form the basis of Carbon Connect’s upcoming work aimed at influencing BEIS’ 2020 Heat Roadmap.

The Future Gas Series Part 3 has been sponsored by Baxi Heating, the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA), and the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM).