EUA & IGEM Gas Industry Awards 2024

InterContinental London Park Lane

9th May 2024


  • Introduced in 1998 the Gas Industry Awards, organised by EUA and the Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM), have been recognising and rewarding the outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations working in the gas sector for over 25 years.

    The winner of each award is announced and celebrated at a prestigious awards ceremony and gala lunch held in the spectacular surroundings of the InterContinental London Park Lane, London.

    A flagship event with a strong reputation for uncovering highly innovative work and exceptional talent, the awards lunch is highly regarded by the sector and consistently attracts over 500 gas professionals, making it a fantastic networking opportunity.

    Contact Natalie Burrows on for booking enquiries


    Business Innovation Award sponsored by ULC Technologies


    Oxford Flow with IM Series High Performance Gas Pressure Regulators 
    SGN with Implementing Vyntelligence 
    Wales & West Utilities with Evaluating business scenarios for a net zero transition 



    Customer Service Award sponsored by Fusion Utilities


    Cadent with the Services Beyond the Meter programme
    Correla with its Commitment to Customer Satisfaction 
    Polly Heyburn, Customer Experience Manager from SGN



    Company of the Year (Up to 250 employees)


    ASH Integrated Services Ltd
    Pipeline Integrity Engineers Ltd. (PIE)
    UIS - Utility Innovations Solutions Limited



    Early Career Achievement Award sponsored by Dresser Utility Solutions


    Hannah Moseley-Brown, Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Advisor Apprentice from SGN
    Joe Satchell, Asset Engineer - Mechanical Rotating, Asset Technical - TDD from National Grid Grain LNG Limited
    Zakir Amin, Senior Design Engineer from Murphy



    Engineer of the Year sponsored by Radius Systems Ltd


    Ibrahim Hassan-Adde, LNG Terminal Asset Engineer (Operations, Instrumentation & Systems) Asset Technical, TDD – Technical Development & Delivery at National Grid Grain LNG
    Jo-Anne Tomkins, Senior Principal Engineer at DNV
    Kirsty McDermott, Senior Welding Engineer at National Gas Transmission



    Investment in People Award


    National Gas' Michael Chenery, Project Director, Control System Replacement
    SGN's Apprenticeship Scheme 
    Wales & West Utilities' Strengthening ED&I and Psychological Safety



    Large Company of the Year Award (Over 250 employees) sponsored by DNV


    Cadent Gas Limited
    Wales & West Utilities



    Leadership Award


    Dave Garner, Director of Safety, Health, Environment and Security at Cadent Gas Limited 
    David McLeod, Head of Business Development at ULC Technologies 
    Hari Vamadevan, Executive Vice President & Regional Director, UK & Ireland, Energy Systems at DNV 



    Net Zero Innovation Award sponsored by Towngas


    DNV Research and Development Site at Spadeadam 
    SGN LTS Futures 
    Wales and West Utilities Pathfinder 2050



    Product of the Year


    Oxford Flow with stemless actuated axial flow valve (model ES)
    STATS Group with First use of an inline isolation tool in the UK National Transmission System



    Project of the Year


    Cadent with Centres for warmth 
    National Gas with First use of an inline isolation tool in the UK National Transmission System, in collaboration with STATS Group, Pipeline Integrity Engineers (PIE), DNV UK.
    Wales & West Utilities with Hydrogen vehicle trial, in collaboration with First Hydrogen Corp, Protium, Hyppo Hydrogen Solutions



    Safety Award sponsored by AVK UK


    Cadent with Locateme app 
    United Living Infrastructure Services with Enhancing organisational and industry safety culture 
    Wales & West Utilities with Driving safety - a human factors approach





    Sponsoring the Gas Industry Awards is a great way to raise the profile of your organisation and align your brand with the best the industry has to offer. The full range of packages can be found here. 

  • To register for this event please use the form below.




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Event manager

Name Natalie Burrows

Tel 01926 513741
