Energy trade body launches manifesto putting consumers front and centre of future policy
28th Nov 2019
The Energy and Utilities Alliance, EUA, are calling on the next government to ‘make the big decisions required for decarbonisation’ and to ‘put consumers front and centre of future policy’, in their manifesto, released today, 28.11.2019 ahead of the elections taking place on December 12th.
Mike Foster, Chief Executive, EUA said:
“Decarbonisation is high on the political agenda, and rightly so. But for the UK to meet the 2050 Net Zero targets, the incoming government must consider the consumer journey to decarbonisation.”
“Consumers should be front and centre of future policy, and government, together with industry have a duty to consider what they really want and if it can be delivered. Take a look at the heat sector for example. When it comes to heat, gas is the UK’s fuel of choice, and for good reasons. The gas grid currently delivers gas into the homes over 85% of the UK population which is achieved through a first-class distribution network developed over many years.”
“Heat demand is seasonal, no surprise there, but its peaks during the winter either need to be met by supply or people will go cold. The latter is no policy prescription that any sensible politician advocates. So having the energy, in whatever shape, available at short notice to meet peak demand, whilst not having supply sitting idle for much of the year has to be the energy outcome of choice.”
“EUA believe that the only sensible, cost effective and deliverable solution to decarbonising the hard to tackle heat sector is by using clean gases such as hydrogen. The gas infrastructure is already in place for nearly 9 out of 10 homes. It can deliver secure and affordable heat whilst providing the carbon reductions we need to make without any major disruption or unrealistic cost implications.”
“The UK must also step up the discussion on fuel poverty at a national level, in order to drive change. Government has the power to make fuel poverty history by making it a norm that no one should ever go cold in their home. This will require significant changes to legislation, investment and the promotion of the right to live in a warm home.”
In order to achieve decarbonisation EUA believe that there are 5 priority areas that should be acted on:
- A new infrastructure
- Ambitious heat policy
- Stronger action on transport emissions
- Making fuel poverty history
- Building better homes and enforcing standards
EUA stands ready to meet with and discuss any aspect of their manifesto with those seeking office in December 2019 and those advising politicians. We trust you are inspired by our manifesto and desire to reach Net Zero by putting consumers at the heart of decarbonisation.
You can read the manifesto in full here.
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