‘Consider an engineering apprenticeship and earn while you learn’ says ICOM as GCSE results posted

23rd Aug 2016


‘Consider an apprenticeship and earn while you learn’ are the comments made by Ross Anderson, Director of the Industrial & Commercial Energy Association, ICOM Director Ross Anderson ahead of GCSE results announcements.

He continued,

A levels and university aren’t the only option available to young people who want a successful and lucrative career. Apprenticeships offer a great opportunity to ‘earn and learn’ instead of incurring large fees and delaying three years before getting a foot hold on the starting rung of the chosen career ladder. You can start your apprenticeship straight after GCSE’s or even if you choose not to go on to university after completing A levels.

We need to stop thinking of apprenticeships as the ‘poor relation’ to university and see it for what it really is; first class training delivered in a real world scenario. Apprenticeships deliver on the job training and demonstrate the company’s commitment to offering long term employment. Its hands-on experience actually doing the job v’s a simulation of the job, and most importantly they pay a wage.

So today when you are thinking of your future career recognise the role that an apprenticeship could play.'